We got called to adopt. We (as a family of 5) answered the Lord's call. We started the paper work and waited, waited, and waited until we got our court date. My mom and dad left for Africa, Uganda. They meet Patrick and Nicholas and had to come home without them, because if they stayed, they would have to stay there for 2 months. We waited for another month aching to see Patrick and Nicholas. Then, we got the call that changed our lives. On December 5, 2010 my dad, my mom, and I left to get Patrick and Nicholas! On December 8, 2010 I got to meet them for the first time! Finally, we got to come home on December 15, 2010! Now we are officially a family of 7! Thank you for being apart of our journey!

First haircut!

First snow!

Having fun with family

Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Love- Drew, Tara, Emma (11), Ava (8), Sarah James (6), Patrick (4), and Nicholas (3)