Sunday in Uganda

Sunday, October 10, 2010
We had a great day today- totally full of action. The day started off with another 29 passenger bus ride to church with Katie and her adorable girls. We had a great time visiting their church where the service was outside on a spectacular Ugandan day- we sang worship songs, heard a great testimony, and received a great word from a United States missionary who is in Jinja planting a church. We then jumped back into the car and went to Katie's house for lunch and stayed the entire afternoon playing with the girls in the backyard. We played tons of soccer, volleyball, raced around the yard, and even had a concert and dance performance by the girls. It was so much fun- these girls are so special and so much fun- I adore each of her girls.

After playing all afternoon, we wanted to get back to Amani to see Patrick and Nicholas after their naps. So, we jumped on 6 boda's (motorcycle taxis)- hilarious by the way- and got back in time to see the boys. We played with Pat and Nick for several hours- even took them across the street to our hotel where they played with cars and ate cookies and then topped off the afternoon with Orange Fantas- a Maddux favorite now! We then went back to Amani and played with the boys in the front yard until it was their dinner time.

It was a full day- full of so much fun! We are now finally showering and going to dinner down at the main house at the Gately with all of our Nashville crew.

Emma, Ava, JJ- we love you BIG and will see you in 3 days!


  1. Kendra said...:

    I LOVE reading about your time in Uganda. It's where our hearts are after hosting the Ugandan Children's Choir-Matsiko. We are in the process of adopting a 2 year-old girl from Ethiopia, and some day.....

    Cool story--
    I had my BIG fundraising rummage sale a couple of weeks ago and a gal bought one of our adoption shirts. She said some day she hope to adopt from Uganda. I asked her why Uganda (so excited to hear the answer). She said, "Well, I read this blog of a girl in Uganda who went there for missionary work and is now the mama of a house-full of girls". I started smiling. "Katie?",I asked. In our little town (not a huge adopting community) in South Dakota two women met because of Katie and her girls. Katie is one of the main reasons we are adopting too. :0) Let her know we love her dearly and she has touched our hearts. So happy for you and your family. I love the pictures of your little men. What a huge blessing. Keep the stories coming. Some day we'll be there.

  1. gotta love some ORANGE FANTA !!!! we probably bought 6 a day .... praying you all home !!!

  1. Renee said...:

    SOOO great, Drew and Tara! So thrilled for you to be experiencing all these wonderful things...and especially with your sons! Soak it all in! And Kendra's story above IS very cool. God is so good. :) We continue to pray for you all!

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